Our board consists of the Trustee’s and Office Bearers, who are also ordinary members. We meet regularly to make strategic & operation decisions, discuss partnerships, apply for funding and act in the best interests of our members and the shed.
TRUSTEE & ChairPeter McNab
I am a retired fire fighter and have lived in Inverclyde all my life.
I left the Mount School at age 15 to begin working in Scott’s local shipyard where I served my apprenticeship as a shipwright before leaving, after a period of 12.5 years to join the local authority Fire Service with Strathclyde fire and Rescue as a Fire fighter where I served for a period of 27.5 years before retiring.
My current Interests are in Local community Projects such as the shed, and recently as a keen piper playing Scottish traditional music with Kilbarchan Pipe band.
TRUSTEE & Vice Chair Margaret Moyse
Margaret has been nursing for many years and latterly owned a care business with offices throughout Scotland where she developed business experience and enjoyed teaching and training others. She is also a volunteer with the charity Heartstart providing training and has served as a board member with Gateway for 5 years.
Margaret’s hobbies are arts and crafts and the shed offered me a place to meet like minded people and learn new skills.
TRUSTEE & SecretaryJohn Cook
John is a retired prison officer and interested in activities that enable the transfer of skills and improve the self-esteem and confidence of people. He has a number of years of experience of managing groups that developed and delivered learning opportunities to a diverse group of individuals with specific experience of the operation of large scale joinery workshop and machinery.
TRUSTEE & Treasurer Bruce Newlands
Bruce is a practising architect with over 20 years experience and has served previously as a trustee to The Glasgow Tools Library and The George Wyllie Foundation. He was a co-founder of MAKLAB, Scotland’s first Open Access Digital Manufacturing Centre and formerly the Technical Director of the Construction Scotland Innovation Centre.
Bruce currently manages the shed’s Shore Street Community Gardens & Muirshiel Lane Market Garden Projects and is co-ordinating the East Blackhall Street Shed Renovation Project.
Bruce is a founding Trustee of the Inverclyde Shed SCIO
Andy is a retired firefighter who is involved and active with a variety of local community groups. His interests lie in wood carving, pen making and gardening.
Liz teaches numeracy part time at West College Scotland and joined The Shed via our online carving class during lockdown, working with pyrography, carving spoons and wood turning too now with pens and bowls. She runs, does wild swimming and paddle boarding.
TRUSTEETosca Lahiri
Tosca Lahiri runs a thriving web development company with over 25 years experience in the industry and has previously served on the board of two local not-for-profit groups. Tosca is also a professional artist and it is in this role that she discovered the positive impact of “getting your hands dirty” while making things.
Tosca came to The Shed to find a safe place to meet new people and learn new skills. Tosca is interested in supporting the vision of widening access so more people experience the benefits of being part of The Shed.
I was born & raised in Greenock. In my early 20s after leaving college, I
started as a Clerical officer with the Civil service, leaving due to health
reasons. I then became a volunteer driver for Ardgowan Hospice for 5 years.
Moving on I volunteered with LEAD Scotland (Linking Education and Disability)
as a learning support worker, providing IT support & learning materials
development to both individuals & the organisation. As part of a Scottish
Parliament review of disability services I was involved with planning &
facilitating various sessions throughout Scotland. When Inverclyde Tourist
Group was launched, I quickly joined thus have practically been a founder
member. The experience I've had, serve me well working in formal, 3rd sector
services & individuals. With the varied roles I have adopted, I think this could
translate well to assisting the Shed board.
I worked in the printing industry for 33 years where I was foreman in the
letterpress printing department with National Cash Registrar and working on
the newspaper press in the Greenock Telegraph. My last job before retirement
was in the Greenock Sheriff Court where I covered for the manager for
holidays and illness. In my personal life, I am a master of one of the local
masonic lodges, chairing five sub committees over the years. I am involved in
raising monies for children’s charities through “ye corporation o ‘ Squaremen”
where I have been in charge of the Ayr & Dunoon branches and soon to be
responsible for 12 branches from London to Aberdeen, I am a past president
of the Gourock Jolly Beggars Burns Club. What I have learned through my
experiences is the difference between organising people in work and social