Inverclyde Shed
We are a group of like minded people who meet up to make + share ideas, skills and experiences.
Open to all over 18 year olds
We are a group of like minded people who meet up to make + share ideas, skills and experiences. By creating, developing, sustaining and maintaining workshop facilities, we offer opportunities for people in the Inverclyde area to meet and undertake creative, physical, purposeful and recreational activities of their choice. Our membership is open to anyone over 18 years old and currently includes a wide range of retiree’s, crafts people, ex-servicemen, professionals, photographers, programmers, engineers, architects, carpenters and others.
We aim to reduce isolation of people in the area thus contributing to their physical and mental wellbeing and developing the capacity of people in the Inverclyde area to share their skills and knowledge with others in the community.
There is a growing body of research around social exclusion and the role that spaces like community sheds can play in addressing this. It has been shown that Sheds can help tackle depression and other mental wellbeing issues. This is the reason sheds are supported by the Scottish Government, Local Authorities, the NHS and Social health professionals.
Run by members for members
A Shed is a space where people can come together to take part in practical skills and activities, they are run by their members to give people the chance to share tools, talents and resources in order to be creative, learn new skills and make friends.
Providing spaces means that our members are able to satisfy their desire to make and repair things, with the added advantage of more involvement with their local community, families and each other. The practicality of making things makes the shed an interesting place to be and people initially attracted by the workshop, also find it fun to be there and make new friends with shared interest’s, experiences and perspectives.
We thank all of our supporters & funders
Scottish Charity Regulator